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Genes Lecoanet Hemant LogoGenes Lecoanet Hemant Logo

The Tropics : A Summer Sojourn

A summer escape underlined by the vivacity of the tropical rainforest. Replete with colours, textures, patterns that transport you to a different world, the upcoming collection takes the Genes Tribe on a spirited safari.

It all started with a landscape painting by Artistic Director Didier Lecoanet. “Each season we find ourselves going back to the drawing board; to sketching, painting and creating from scratch. This time, the goal was to capture a feeling of pristine tropical wilderness.”, he notes. A hand painted scenery on canvas, by Didier, became a repository of ideas. Thematically, the collection aims to capture the spirit of the jungle. The quiet roar of a nearby river, iguana crested trees with low hanging florals drenched in bright orange and orchids that are almost surreal. The smell and sounds of the jungle became guiding markers, influencing shapes and surface design alike. Bamboos, açai palm trees, bromeliad flowers and heliconias add to the rich vocabulary of foliage that appears throughout the collection.


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