Type Of The Agreement
FOFO (Franchise Owned Franchise Operated) |
Brand Name
Genes Lecoanet Hemant
Company's Name And Address
Lecoanet Hemant India Pvt.Ltd A-22/23, Infocity-1, Sector-34, Gurgaon, Haryana. |
Type Of Store
Fresh |
Store Size / Kiosk Size
Minimum 500 Sq.feet With 15' front
Duration Of The Agreement
5 Years
Interest Free Refundable Security Deposit (IFRSD)
Rs.15 Lakhs |
Inventory Supply
On Consignment Basis |
Stock Correction
Fresh Period: Including Promotions Discounts(If Any): Margin 30NRV ( MRP Less Discount Less Taxes) EOSS Period: Margin 17% On NRV(MRP Less Discount Less Taxes) |
EOSS (End Of Season Sale)
By The Brand (As per the guidelines of the company)

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